ADD ON Smart Lens Therapy
Smart lenses are known as intraocular lenses that provide the patient with vision at far, near and intermediate distances. Before smart lenses were developed, a new technique was developed for people who had cataract surgery and had single vision lenses installed and had to use close reading glasses. The name of this technique, which makes the old lens inside the eye “SMART”, is ADD ON.
With the ADD ON method, Smart Lenses that provide vision at far, near and intermediate distances can be placed in the patient instead of the old lenses in the eye. Especially people who had cataract surgery and had to use near glasses do not need near glasses after the application.
ADD ON application With local anesthesia, an average of 6-6 days. It is completed in 7 minutes. This treatment is especially preferred for people who had cataract surgery a long time ago and can be applied regardless of the brand of the lens in the person's eye.
You can contact us to get detailed information about AddOn Smart Lens Treatment.