Op. Dr. Gülay Karakuş Hacıoğlu
Undergraduate: Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of Medicine
Expertise: Samsun Ondokuzmayıs University Faculty of Medicine
Area of Expertise: Cataract and Smart Lens Surgeries, Excimer Laser, Eyelid aesthetics and Eyelid and tear duct diseases, Childhood eye diseases and Prematurity Retinopathy
1. Türk Oftalmoloji Derneği
2. Türk Tabipler Birliği
• ROP diagnosis and treatment certificate (2016)
1- Incidence of retinopathy of prematurity in the middle Black Sea region of Turkey over a 10-year period, S.Demir., Ö. Eşki Yücel, L.Niyaz, G.Karakuş, N. Arıtürk, JAAPOS 2015; 19:12-15
2-Evaluation of ocular symptoms in Covid-19 subjects inpatient and outpatient settings B.İ.Sezgin Akçay, E. Kardeş, G.Kıray, B.Ayaz, G.Karakuş Hacıoğlu, E.Pala, Int Ophtalmolol 2021;1541-1548
3-Torpedo Maculopathy in Newborns and first year outcomes; G. Karakuş Hacıoğlu, A. Koçkar, A.Doğan Dursun, B.İ. Sezgin Akçay; Türkiye Clinics journal of case reports 2021;109-12
3-Evaluation of babies with retinopathy of prematurity following intravitreal bevacizumab administration, O.Şahin, A. Boğa, G. Karakuş Hacıoğlu, H.G. Sözen, L.Karadeniz Bilgin, North Cliniics Istanbul.2023;470-476
4- Evaluation of dry eye and meibomian gland function in pregnancy: M.S Kunduracı, A. Koçkar, Ç. Helvacıoğlu, F.Kırık, G.Karakuş Hacıoğlu, B.İ. Sezgin Akçay;Int Ophtalmol 2023;4263-4269
Thesis:diabetic retinopathy disease
Specialization thesis: Evaluation of the Effect of Panretinal Photocoagulation on Macular Thickness in Diabetic Retinopathy Patients with OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography).